United Hands move mountains- A letter from Juana Rodriguez Vazquez

Hello from Mano en Mano,

On behalf of the team at Mano en Mano, we would like to say Thank-you, for your support this summer. This summer was one of our busiest on record. In the month of August alone we ran the Blueberry Harvest School, vaccinated 188 people against COVID-19, and distributed 846 boxes of food to serve over 1,000 people arriving to the area.  Our team was busy throughout the state providing services in the areas of Education, Housing, COVID-19 Social Support, and Access to Essential Services. 

It takes many hands to accomplish everything we do, and the fall is no exception. As the summer comes to a close, I am reminded of the many hands that come together this time of year- whether it be the hands of farmworkers harvesting broccoli in Aroostook County, or the hands of teachers at schools across the state, guiding students in their education.

The expression, “many hands make light work” comes to mind when I think of the fall. Amidst the harvest, back to school, and preparing for winter, it is clear that when we come together we can lift weights that would be impossible alone.

In the spirit of lending a hand, I want to ask you to consider joining our United Hands/Manos Unidas donation program.  This is a monthly donation program that provides Mano en Mano with constant source of support to rely on year round.  Donations will directly fund our Annual Fund- a fund vital to our Access to Essential Services and Advocacy programs that directly impacts more than 500 individuals in the Downeast area. 

A recurring gift makes an even greater impact on our programming as we plan events, workshops, training, and services for our community members and their families. Members will receive additional updates and community stories that speak to the impact of the programs directly benefiting from their donation, as well as exclusive newsletters and event invitations.

 To join, please visit the link below, enter your gift amount, and select “monthly” under donation frequency.

As we enter into this new season, we continue to rely on your support to expand our programming and deepen our impact. When we lend a hand in support of our community we help lift the weights that hold us down. 

Please consider supporting Mano en Mano today.

In solidarity, 

Juana Rodriguez -Vazquez
Interim Executive Director


Welcome Home Downeast


2020 Annual Report